Tips For Moving In Together
Tips For Moving In Together
As you know, I just got married. My husband Anthony and I both moved out of our family’s homes and moved in together the day after we got married.
Anthony has a very type A personality, and I would say that a part of me is super laxed and the other half is type A. Anthony is SUPER organized and likes everything a certain way. I, on the other hand, don’t mind throwing my clothes all over my closet but it can’t stay that way for long. Then I’m itching to clean it! I guess I just don’t want to be bothered in the moment. See? I’m 50/50.
What I have learned from moving in with my husband is that having separate spaces is super helpful. I have my own closet and he has his own closet. I use my closet as my own extra bedroom, office, dry cleaner, library, and make up studio… basically, anything a girl would do, I do it in my closet. He has his own closet that’s color coordinated. Everything has its own section, and you can’t move anything in it, because he will know. (Including that hideous snakeskin swimsuit he bought himself when I couldn’t answer his facetime. It’s a story for a different day). We simply just don’t go in each other’s closets and that saves us a lot of headaches.
I think it is also super important to have your own personal time. I have my “me time” and he has his own time. It allows us both to have our own time so that we can be excited when we’re together and just focus on each other.
Another thing we did was move into a new space together. I didn’t move my stuff into his home, and he didn’t move his stuff into my home. It was a fresh new start for the both of us and it was nice because we both learned a lot about each other along the way. We got to make it our own little sanctuary and I think that really helped a lot.
It’s important to help each other out with the household chores. He helps with everything, and it really helps to balance each other out. My only thing is that I will not do the garbage. I don’t even know where it goes. I don’t know what days the garbage is supposed to go out. It’s a great compromise.
Click here to see the things that make our house feel like our home.