Stefanie Rafaniello Stefanie Rafaniello

Supplements We’re Loving

Supplements We’re Loving

If you know me, you know I take a ton of vitamins and supplements. Vitamins and supplements are so important for just about every aspect of your body. Starting from the inside - so we can shine from the outside.

 Lets get into it:

 As we know hydration is key, so upon waking up I have a full glass of water with a scoop of AG1 Powder and I add some freshly squeezed lemon in there along with my probiotics. My favorite probiotics are from Seed or Just Thrive.

After this, I will go workout and make sure that I am drinking a full Simply Modern bottle of water with lemon. Then, I’ll have another full glass of water with my protein powder and Armra Colostrum with my breakfast.

After my breakfast I will start taking my supplements. I like to take Nutrafol for my hair (I just started taking it so will report back on that) Cod Liver Oil, Beef Liver and the rest of my vitamins are from Cymbiotika. I love Cymbiotika so much because they are all natural and organic and are really focused on health and vitality. I have tried pretty much everything from Cymbiotika but if I had to pick my favorites would be: the Vitamin C, Glutathione, D3, and the Molecular Hydrogen.

Throughout the day I am drinking water filled with minerals and electrolytes. My favorite ones can be found here.

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